ちょっとだけ読みやすいnode.jsからmongoDBへの接続のコードの書き方と、ハマったところ / (A Bit) Nicer Node.js Code To Read To Connect DB, and other small tips
I found many of you are from abroad, so I decided to add English version, not fluent English though.
(A Bit) Nicer Node.js Code To Read To Connect DB
When you install a driver with typing like "npm install mongodb", you will get node-mongodb-native driver installed into your machine.
I tried this driver to connect DB, and finally found a bit nicer(easy to read) node.js code at stackoverflow.com. Just please let me share this.
mongo = require('mongodb'); var db = new mongo.Db('testdb', new mongo.Server('localhost',mongo.Connection.DEFAULT_PORT, {}), {}); var Things; db.open(function(err, db) { db.collection('testcollection', function(err, collection) { Things = Things || collection; }); }); Things.find({}, function(err, cursor) { cursor.each(function(err, doc) { if (doc) sys.log(doc._id); }); });
Since node.js is event driven framework and uses Javascript callback frequently, this way inevitably many nesting happens and thus you will get your source code hard to read. However at the source code above, nesting is broken by "Tnings" variable defined outside the nest. This is the point I prefer this code.
Essential Thing You Should Be Careful
If you are a new to node.js like me, mongodb and node-mongodb-native driver, you should be careful with setting db name when you call db initialize function in your code. My mistake was, concretely
var db = new mongo.Db('test', new mongo.Server(...
I should have written like this but by my mistake
var db = new mongo.Db('db', new mongo.Server(...
I did this.
Why I do that was, from mongoDB intereactive shell, you will type like "db.collection_name.find();" which means you will get all db data from current selected database object. According to mongoDB reference, variable "db" is explained as:
The variable that references the current database object / connection. Already defined for you in your instance.
yeah that's it. It does refer database object but "db" doesn't stand for database name.
Since mongoDB is NoSQL and you could store data without specifying database name, it might happen to anybody. Well, it's poor excuse to me, sigh:p I know.
You just type "show dbs" then you can get dbname. Just keep this mind if you are new.
Source Code In github Is Hot
I just would like to say there is many many good source code in github, if you would like to get better in using node.js and mongodb. (e.g. "example" folder of christkv
Other tips I knew by exploring web was for example,
Things.find({}, function(err, cursor) { cursor.each(function(err, doc) { sys.puts(sys.inspect(doc)); }); });
this way you can get mongodb find query result with well-formatted style at your terminal. Ok that's all for today.
( * English version)
npm install mongodbでドライバをインストールすると、node-mongodb-nativeっていうドライバがインストールされます。
このドライバを使ってDB接続したんですが、Stack Overflowでちょっと読みやすいコードを見つけたので参考までに載せておきます。StackOverflowでアドバイスされている内容とほぼ一緒です。
mongo = require('mongodb'); var db = new mongo.Db('testdb', new mongo.Server('localhost',mongo.Connection.DEFAULT_PORT, {}), {}); var Things; db.open(function(err, db) { db.collection('testcollection', function(err, collection) { Things = Things || collection; }); }); Things.find({}, function(err, cursor) { cursor.each(function(err, doc) { if (doc) sys.log(doc._id); }); });
var db = new mongo.Db('test', new mongo.Server(...
var db = new mongo.Db('db', new mongo.Server(...
"show dbs"ってシェルから打てば作成されているDBは確認できるので、次からはちゃんと確認してから気をつけてDB接続することにします。
Things.find({}, function(err, cursor) { cursor.each(function(err, doc) { sys.puts(sys.inspect(doc)); }); });

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@remore is a software engineer, weekend contrabassist, and occasional public speaker. Read more